Friday, November 18, 2005

Partisanship end at the coasts

At least, I've heard it used to be that way. Former CIA director Stansfield Turner smears Bush in Briton. And in other news former President Bill Clinton blasts war while speaking in Dubai. What, exactly, are they hoping to accomplish?


Blogger Carl Nyberg said...

What does any criticism of the war seek to accomplish?

Look, the Bush team broke all sorts of rules in getting their war. Among other things they flat out lied. They attempted to destroy the reputation of individuals that criticize the war.

And you want war critics to play by some rules about politeness. Why should they? So the Bush team won't trump up flimsy ethics charges against John Murtha?

Blogger Carl Nyberg said...

but with that right comes the responsibility to respect the way we make decisions in this country.

What does this mean?

What difference does it make who owns the dirt the critics stands upon? It seems this is an attempt to change the subject from addressing the substance of the criticism.

"Slander"? What have war critics said that is slanderous? Did you object to war proponents attacking the courage, patriotism and morality of war critics? Or is slander a one-way street?

Running away from debate? When have Bush, Cheney, Rice or Rumsfeld made themselves available to debate the Iraq War with someone opposed to it?


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